Naomy-taylor live! sex chats for YOU!


Naomy-taylor Public Chat Channel

Date: October 21, 2022

21 thoughts on “Naomy-taylor live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Unless you can be specific about exactly what things they said that are racist or antisemitic, then yes…you are brainwashed.

  2. Um, I’m not saying they actually cheated, but … you may want to send her husband a suggestion to get a paternity test.

  3. So it is not the first instance where she gaslitghts and guilttrips you.

    It's easy to cry and beg. But the thing is, you have to follow it through with real changes.

    For the sex part of the issue, she begs and cries, and then moves on. She has done it for 2 years and a half. You have to see things as they are and not as you wished they were

  4. while with me part of them will always love him and they think this makes them a horrible person (I disagree) a

    How comes a 19 year old felt the need to get engaged in the first place? For how long have you two been even dating?

    Srsly, teenage love is very different to love as an adult 25+ when you're financially independent and have got some experience under your belt.

    I think you all need to take 20 steps back, put the engagement on hold, and discuss how to move forward.

    Also…before you start opening your relationship, actually consider if that's really what you want. There are thousands of people out there who are compatible with you and who won't want to be non-monogamous.

  5. Thank you everyone! It’s been a journey. It’s been stressful and he doesn’t seem to understand. But I will get through this.

  6. He has decided to act like a child. I am sure he is feeling that this is his Christmas and it’s being ruined because your sick again. You could mention how unhappy your Mom looks she’s just done in from doing Christmas and watching the littles. Which leads me to ask where is your Father? No reason why he couldn’t read them The Night Before Christmas or watch a age appropriate show with them.

  7. As a 30 year old man who just came out of a relationship with a 22 year old woman, yes. You should absolutely stick to your age.

    The younger person is almost never truly prepared for a relationship with someone in their thirties. Women mature faster than men, and she was still not ready for it. Given that you're in the opposite scenario, the issues are likely to be even worse for you.

    Trust me, don't do it. The tiny chance it might work out isn't worth the significant risk of damage that can come from a relationship like this.

  8. I love how all the misogynistic men chime in to say “hey! We’re all idiots! You can’t expect us to just..think before we speak!!”

  9. Exactly! Especially with something this intense and after no prior ramping up session. Like, maybe start with a “hey can I blindfold you with this soft cloth?”. Nope, first ask is straight to the fully bound, gagged, and TAPED eyes.

    And then the “aftercare” is being ignored on the couch with zero context, gentle contact, or dialog. No emotional or physical support.

    OP, this sounds traumatizing. Again, you were not treated as a friend here, but a thing to be toyed with and your health was in danger. Please be cautious!

  10. Tell him your body and health is your choice. He can mention a legitimate concern only if he really believes you need to see your Dr. Your weight and eating habits do not count as legitimate concerns as you are an adult and know how food works. It is 100% up to you to decide how to deal with your body.

    If he can't handle that, I personally wouldn't stay with someone who can't accept that I am in charge of my own health and body.

  11. I have a small circle of friends. One moved with his partner, my other has a flat with his soon to be wife, and my other friend is moving down south, so there was no option.

    I did look at getting my own place but can’t afford it on one wage.

    I work from home 4 days a week so it hasn’t effected me greatly.

    Thank you though – I’m defo an over-thinker

  12. Don’t if it isn’t a hell yes. You already are insecure. If she moans differently, squirts or farts confetti, you are thereafter going to doubt her satisfaction with you.

    Plus open doesn’t excuse pressuring or lobbying a partner to fuck elsewhere.

  13. Nah girl. I’m getting married this August and I would never invite an ex, even if it ended in good terms.

    That is so fucked to me. Especially since the situation is so much worse.

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