Velvet-Kitten live webcams for YOU!


ALL GOALS MET [Multi Goal]

Date: November 2, 2022

42 thoughts on “Velvet-Kitten live webcams for YOU!

  1. Sounds like a desperate need for attention and not enough commitment from you.

    Did you tell your current BF about this relationship? You are emotionally cheating.

  2. Who cares, though…. you're a doctor, an accomplishment that not many can claim. Yes, they dress pretty, but that's probably all they have to be proud of.

  3. I agree with everything you said, but you forgot one thing, she has to start exercising, and I am saying this in the least condescing, aggressive or demeaning way, it would give her a lot of confidence once she starts seeing results, and it can happen fairly quick with losing weight, tho it’s gonna be hot in the beginning.

    A bit of weightlifting can make it faster as well, and fat people usually are quite strong.

    But she said she hates her body, and the good news is she can do something about this so she should!

  4. Let's be clear, you were 100% abused. No two ways about it.

    The best thing you can do right now is seek professional help through a therapist. You're going to have to unpack a lot and it's way above my pay grade. My best suggestion to you would be seek professional help because it'll help you deal with these emotions and understand yourself better going forward.

    Good luck!

  5. And if he does end up having to return the car that’s his problem. It would be pretty stupid to accept the financial obligations of a car just to be polite so if that’s what the friend does that’s on her too.

  6. I am trying to get to you, I meant to be rude, and what did I say wrong? Tell me. Everything I said is true. Word for word.

    You're setting an example for your kids, what if you have a daughter next, she'll get cheated on and possibly be in an abusive relationship because her relationship was modeled after yours, doesn't that scare you?

  7. Hello /u/overthinkhahahwhtk,

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  8. I didn’t say first date – neither did you. It’s gf for a week – which means they have dated and are now exclusive. Idk how you exclusively commit without knowing basic life details.

  9. That’s the thing, he keeps saying that it’s not even about sexual stuff he just appreciates my body and wants me to feel completely safe with another individual -something I lost last year. He’s really not a sexual guy

  10. Jesus Christ this woman sounds exhausting. Not not all women are like this. I mean they're human, they're going to have the odd bad day, say something gossipy once in a while or not react perfectly in a situation but that's every once in a while not several times a week. Your co-worker is a sexist idiot getting his cues about women from extreme stereotypes.

    You deserve better. Partners lift each other up, not drag each other down.

  11. lot of women have rape kinks , that does NOT mean they want to be raped .

    Would you say the same if your bf said he had a rape kink?

  12. Stop being a doormat. Tell him to get the fuck out of your life and toss everything he ever got you in the trash. Because that's where everything that comes from him belongs.

  13. I don't know if this was brought up before or if it'll be helpful but I'm wondering if your husband doesn't suffer from erotomania? Like usually you'd see it with “stans” of stars, but the lifelong obsession and thinking she's sending him messages sounds a lot like this kind of delusions- it might be a good idea to look into it?

    Everyone else gave solid advice on divorcing him- honestly you deserve someone who loves you properly.

  14. Because I know if the roles were reversed, I’d cosign for her in a heartbeat. I even purchased a home, financed it only in my name and still put her name next to mine on the title. I didn’t have too and had every right not too, but I did out of love and wanted her to be a home owner as well

  15. Drop it. The tag is still on it. Maybe she bought it but it didn’t fit right or she felt stupid in it and never wore it. Maybe she planned to return it but forgot and now it’s too late. She didn’t think to mention it since she never wore it. I have a few things in my drawers that I bought but it was a mistake buy and it just sits there forgotten in my closet. I don’t feel attached like they are mine because I haven’t actually worn them.

  16. If they have a shared phone bill, that might be a decent place to start. I'd just be a lot more observant for a while and keep tabs on phone usage when the partner is around. There's no way this doesn't turn into something eventually. The situation sucks if the letter is true, but it still sucks if it's false.

  17. Your people are ridiculous. They’re blaming YOU for the fact your sister’s husband beat her up?? The same dude who started in on her while dating you?? LOL they’re all stoooooooopid

    I bet none of them called the cops. Refuse to discuss it any further. If they bring it up to you again, tell them to call the cops on the person really at fault here: your sister’s husband who beat her. That’s who they should blame, not you.

    Sister and her displaced guilt can get the hell on too. You’re better than me, because I would have looked her dead in the face, smiled, and said ‘You get what you get and you don’t pitch a fit’. Or ‘You made your bed, now lay in it. Roll around that bish hunnie’. Raggedy bish scabbed onto your man, now she’s got the NERVE to be pikachu-faced when the guy willing to betray his girlfriend with her own sister turns out to be a woman-beater, too? Surprise surprise I guess

  18. You are planning to intentionally procreate with a man who is refusing medical care and acting like a spoiled child because he's not having a job just handed to him out of the blue. And he thinks he gets a say in how you spend your money? Why??? Why do you want to procreate with that future? What does he seriously bring to your life besides stress?

  19. I understand, but maybe I failed to express that I have been the one who’s been trying to figure out what can be done, researching internet etc. All ideas and suggestions (along with attempts) have been one way. Now I am not going to rush it on her, and thus here I am, a few months in with no path in sight.

  20. None of y'all sound ready and mature enough for marriage.

    Get this mess annulled , grow up, and move on.

  21. Thank you for sharing your story, I came here because I want to supportive but these thoughts keep creeping in and festering. I really do hate myself for thinking these things. I know she doesn’t need me questioning her about this still. But I think about it daily. We are still waiting on the results of the kit.

  22. was literally $15 lol. Also we don't talk about it regularly but I know from previous conversations and experiences we have had that she would not have an issue with it.

  23. I guess I was just feeling annoyed that it happened and doubting his intentions. Hot to bring that up without him getting defensive of course

  24. It’s also worth noting that circumcision, both male and female, has greatly influenced hygiene culture and practices in Nigeria.

  25. Have you considered telling him to start applying to positions in a lower level than he’s currently applying to? If he starts feeling pressure from you regarding getting any job he’ll might step up his search for a better one.

  26. There's not really anything else to do or explain. You've done it all already. I would normally say to communicate with him and try to get him to better explain and understand why he feels the need for this, but you've already done that. There's not really anything else to explain about why you wouldn't be ok with that because that's part of being monogamous and most people can't help being monogamous. There's nothing wrong with either of you, and there's nothing more to explain. He needs something you can't give him, and if you tried, it would hurt you. He needs to grow in a way he can't with you for some reason, and it is what it is. I feel like this probably isn't sudden, and he probably should've brought this up earlier in the relationship, but people all process and learn and accept things in their own time, and that's ok. I understand that this is a sad situation, and it's ok to feel upset, but like you said, you need to sit with those feelings for a bit and then move on. It doesn't mean you don't care about each other anymore. It just means things didn't work out.

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