Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
On-line Live Sex Chat rooms DAMIAND THOMAS
Date: November 1, 2022
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
I think you already know what you have to do. You came here to see if you would get a different answer but unfortunately you won’t. You also have a child involved. Focus on that. This is a risky unstable situation you have put your own child in. There is a saying that goes “old fire sticks are easy to rekindle” You are not a part of their household. The fact that he has been dishonest about their activities speaks volumes. If he’s lying about fro yo or trivial activities do you think he’s telling you about accidental kisses and longing looks back and forth. Examine your own self worth to figure out why you would accept a man that is only partially available. Consider putting the relationship on hold until he’s actually divorced and available and living on his own. You seem very combative to the advise you are getting. Ignore the assholes and blatant rude people and actually go through the post. You will get some great advise if you decide to accept it, However it will probably not be supportive of your situationship. Good luck.
Stop villainizing each other over something as ridiculous as porn, no matter what the media type is. It's such a normal thing people consume. Not everything is an addiction and or cheating, though Reddit will have you believe otherwise. When it comes to phones, respect each other's privacy. Unfortunately, learning to properly communicate is your only option, and I say unfortunately because it doesn't sound like a skill either of you remotely possess. No magic wand waving here.